Mika Svoboda architekti s.r.o.

We design wide range of contemporary architectural projects and urban spaces (appartment buildings, private housing, public architecture and spaces) and refurbisment projects of preserved historical monuments. We are active in popularization of architecture and theoretical research. We regularly take part in numerous architectural and urban planning competitions.

Ing. arch. Jiří Mika

2019 – now | Mika Svoboda architekti

2019 – now | Faculty of architecture CTU in Prague, doctoral degree

2018 – 2019 | Chybík+Krištof Architects & Urban Designers, Prague

2016 – 2018 | RLP Rüdiger Lainer + Partner, Wien

2016 | WMA architects

2015 | C.A.I.S. architekti

2015-2016 | National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

2014-2015 | École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Lyon, Francie

2010-2016 | Faculty of architecture CTU in Prague, master’s degree

Ing. arch. et Ing. Petr Svoboda

Ing. arch Markéta Káňová

Ing. arch Michaela Šedivá

Ing. arch Barbora Hozová

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